So, perhaps we could have gotten into character a little more...Jessie could have winked, Woody could have engraved "Andy" on the bottom of his boot...
...and, Teddy would have probably made a good Bullseye, no? :)
Jessie and Woody |
And then our friend pointed out that Jessie really likes Buzz....and I remembered that Woody and Jessie were more like "brother and sister" or "best friends." Oops. Details, details. The best friend part works out. And as another good friend pointed out to Dave "You're an awesome Woody!" Good times.
Dave and I have never been the "biggest" Halloween people (I'm a bigger fan than he is, I think), but distance makes the heart grow fonder! Dave has been deployed for the last couple Halloweens, so I was excited for this year. Dave was also deployed this year when I came up with the idea of being Woody and Jessie (actually, I believe the idea originated from a friend who said he looked like Woody in his cowboy jeans a few months back...)
So, even though Dave voted for me buying a Jessie costume with chaps included, I thought it would be cooler if we (he) made them. Dave can sew (what can't he do?), but I don't think he wanted to "mess them up." I had all the confidence. So, on the day of our friend's Halloween party (nothing like waiting to the last minute), we bought a sewing machine and Dave sewed my chaps! So much cooler than buying the pre-made Jessie suit. I wish I had taken a picture of him working on impressive! Ok I'm done bragging for now (But don't they look good? :)
While Dave was laboring on the sewing machine, I was baking. I wanted to contribute more than just alcohol to my friend Liz's party, ha! Pretty sure a lot of people didn't want cake after filling up on her YUMMY 30 lbs of chili, but these (
recipe here) got me into the spirit a little bit:
Our friend Randy went as Dave. It was great. See the resemblance?? |
Seriously the best witch EVER, my lovely friend Adinah (she had that face on all night....awesome). |
Me with the host, the lovely Liz. |
Our friends Matt and Katie. Matt as Katie (Phantom of the Opera) and Katie as Matt (Pilot). Clever!
Oh dear. |
And every party needs a Scream guy. |
Yeah there was a lil' extra cake. |
Liz throws an excellent party! Great costumes, great music, great ambiance, great food, some other great photos maybe I won't post here, haha, and some great friends. Happy Halloween.