Today while Dave was picking up another toy at Gander Mountain, I decided to take my new Nikon D90 for a stroll. Gander Mountain is right off of one of the downtown exits near the pedestrian bridges over the Arkansas River and Lawrence Dumont Stadium where the Wichita Wingnuts baseball team plays. I knew I'd eventually want to get downtown and play with my camera, but I felt I stumbled across the perfect opportunity today. I haven't really had time to read the manual to see what I can REALLY do (ok, I've had the time...but it's much more fun to play with the camera). So I walked around, clicking away. I got some decent shots. It was fun.
As I was getting some shots of this building, a man in a pick-up truck drove up and rolled down his window. Always makes me a little nervous...but he looked at me and asked me if I was a photographer. HA! I told him I JUST bought this camera and didn't really know what I was doing yet. He was looking for a photographer to "do some work." I didn't ask what, but I told him I was not at the point of offering my services to anyone, haha. He told me good luck and off he went. I thought "am I a photographer?"
When you carry a large camera around your neck, people look at you like you are one. As I walked into Gander Mountain, this guy turned and posed for me.
It was a fun adventure in downtown Wichita. I can't wait to capture PURE MICHIGAN with this new beauty.
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