Thursday, March 7, 2013


I came up with a new way of dumping!  Categories :)

Inspiration: Amanda Beard.  I finished her book yesterday "In the Water They Can't See You Cry."  A couple days before I finished "No Easy Day," obviously super inspirational in a completely different way.  But Amanda's book is outstanding....I really admire how she shared so many things.  I could relate to many of her feelings (no I don't cut myself or throw up my food) and her journey to becoming a happier person was so awesome to read about.  If I was a 4-time Olympian with 7 medals maybe I would write a book about how I feel broken.  I don't have the world-famous accomplishments to go with my story.  But she put it out there, and I find the memoir a fascinating account of psychological issues that probably everyone goes through at some level.

Yummy: I made the best smoothie of my life last night.  It must be the magic of the Bullet.  Get one.

Dogs: Ellie and I started another class on Monday, Focus and Connecting with Your Dog.  It is a class required before some of the agility stuff, and it seems like some of the things we will be doing she has already learned.....but #itsprobablyfine.  Lord knows she could always use more FOCUS.  We'll see how the second class goes and if I feel it isn't challenging her enough I'll see if she can "test out of it." Haha.  Either way, it's really great having that time with her each week.  She listens better than Teddy at this point.

On that  note. today we went to the dog park and there were 2 men that I stood around talking to for a while.  I was thinking "See Teddy, males are ok." I keep hoping that the more I take him to the park/expose him to men (even though we've been doing that for years in 3 different states?), the less he will freak out about nothing and men and noises and everything.  But I guess it's a different environment.  Inside the house, he barks at car doors slamming outside.  When the neighbors come home.  Ellie only goes nuts when people are in sight and I really think she is protecting us, and then when I tell her to stop I can usually get her to stop.  Not him.  So I feel Teddy needs more work.  That is one of the things we're working on in class (getting your dog's attention and calming them down when necessary).  So.....maybe I should just show up with Teddy next week.  

Additionally, Teddy and Ellie have weird dynamics.  At home, she cuddles (spoons) with him all day, goes in his crate, lays on him, licks him, loves him.  He looks annoyed.  But maybe that is just Teddy's face.  Because when we go out to the park, she runs around and wants to play with all the dogs.  Teddy seems to get possessive and jealous.  Like a boyfriend? What the heck Teddy.  It's so odd.  A little insecure, are we?

Anyway, I love dogs.  Can you tell? Lately I've been thinking I should get a job working with dogs.  I'd probably be a happier person.

Training: Talked myself out of my swim today after almost talking myself out of my workouts yesterday. Not sure if I'm listening to my body or being lazy (I've never done this much training that isn't all specialty), but I also took a nap and got a (skinny) hazelnut machiatto at Starbucks.  Shit.  Oh well.  Yesterday I woke up so tired I felt paralyzed, and then today I had a dream during my nap that I was that tired again and couldn't move.  What??? I have no idea.   Broccoli and Cheese Potato soup should snap me right out of this crap, correct?

Found out last week this base has a Bod Pod.  I've measured my body fat with calipers, hydrostatic weighing and a DEXA scan (twice) over the years and it has never been as high as the measurement this accurate Bod Pod gave me this morning.  I've been training pretty hard, but I also know nutrition plays a bigger role than I ever liked to admit prior to my last marathon.  I know my body pretty well, how I've been training/eating compared to the past, etc and I'm not freaking out yet.  I'll go back in a month and see....if it's still that high I'm going to either just let it go or question them.  I am not saying it isn't higher than I think, so we'll see after a month of cutting out lots of shitty foods again.    

Feeling like shit: See above.  Monday I woke up at 5.  Monday was amazing.  Tuesday morning I woke up super early...starved, nauseous.  Did I eat too late the night before? I don't know.  Was never a problem before.  Is this because I'm 28 now? Seriously this sucks.  Couldn't get up until 9.  Felt ok, not fabulous.  Then at about 11:30 I microwaved an empty mug instead of putting water in it first.   Apparently, not ok.  You probably don't care about any of this, but hopefully you find the empty mug part funny.

Firsts:  Today, I sneezed shortly after my hazelnut macchiato.  Onto my white long-sleeved shirt.  Coffee on my white shirt.  Moral of the story: Be careful when and where you sneeze.

Favorites:  My favorite part of the day is falling asleep with my husband after talking for about a half hour each night.  It makes nothing else seem important.

Good night!

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