Tuesday, July 13, 2010

my favorite anniversary

what I love the most are the moments that I get to be with Dave 'again.' After an overnight or 3 day or week long TDY. After a 6 month deployment. After life has been just a little too crazy for too long.

Since I got back (4 weeks ago already), things have seemed chaotic. But the most fun and exciting part has been falling in love with my husband again. Doing things together...things he likes....things I like...things we like, and enjoying the very freedom that allows us to do so. We finally had time to enjoy each others company over the holiday weekend.

I really enjoy the moments when I literally feel like I'm falling in love again. All of the reasons I fell for him to begin with come flooding back with just an expression or look. Waiting for him to get home from a late night at work leaves me with the same feeling I had waiting to see him during those college days when we were inseparable:-)

My favorite anniversary is when I fall in love again...and while we celebrated the 4th of July over the long weekend, I felt like we also had time to celebrate us.

At the Range!

See Ya, Akhmed.

The Derby Firecracker 4 miler. We ran a 33:40. Dave stayed on my pace, sacrificing his good time to run with me, haha.

My 4th of July masterpiece


Celebrating with one of our favorites, Champagne, in our wedding flutes. I decided to take them out for 'anniversary' weekend:-)

Saturday, July 3, 2010

capturing America...the Beautiful

I think it is safe to say that the 4th of July is not Teddy's favorite holiday. He has been hiding in the basement all week...since the fireworks started. In his defense, when they first started going off a week ago I thought they were gunshots. And I was fairly confident one was going to take our house down this evening. Happy 4th everyone!

Today while Dave was picking up another toy at Gander Mountain, I decided to take my new Nikon D90 for a stroll. Gander Mountain is right off of one of the downtown exits near the pedestrian bridges over the Arkansas River and Lawrence Dumont Stadium where the Wichita Wingnuts baseball team plays. I knew I'd eventually want to get downtown and play with my camera, but I felt I stumbled across the perfect opportunity today. I haven't really had time to read the manual to see what I can REALLY do (ok, I've had the time...but it's much more fun to play with the camera). So I walked around, clicking away. I got some decent shots. It was fun.

As I photographed the abundance of flags near the bridge, I could hear the National Anthem being sung at the baseball game. Felt perfect for the 4th of July weekend.

Arkansas River with Dumont Stadium in the background

On my walk back to Gander Mountain, I decided to click a few last shots of the Wichita Boathouse. I've noticed this structure many times while driving down Kellogg (main East-West road going through Wichita) but never really knew what it was. Turns out it is an old boathouse that has been closed for years but is being renovated to be the new Kansas Sports Hall of Fame (http://wichita.bizjournals.com/wichita/stories/2010/01/25/daily19.html). There is currently still a permanent display of the Jayhawk, an International America's Cup class yacht (don't ask me what that means).

Wichita Boathouse

As I was getting some shots of this building, a man in a pick-up truck drove up and rolled down his window. Always makes me a little nervous...but he looked at me and asked me if I was a photographer. HA! I told him I JUST bought this camera and didn't really know what I was doing yet. He was looking for a photographer to "do some work." I didn't ask what, but I told him I was not at the point of offering my services to anyone, haha. He told me good luck and off he went. I thought "am I a photographer?"

When you carry a large camera around your neck, people look at you like you are one. As I walked into Gander Mountain, this guy turned and posed for me.

It was a fun adventure in downtown Wichita. I can't wait to capture PURE MICHIGAN with this new beauty.

Friday, July 2, 2010

I'm Alive and Well

'So damn easy to say that life's so hard
Everybody's got their share of battle scars
As for me I'd like to thank my lucky stars that
I'm alive and well

And today you know that's good enough for me
Breathing in and out's a blessing can't you see
Today's the first day of the rest of my life
Now I'm alive and well
Yeah I'm alive and well'

Not sure why, but I cried listening to this in the car today.

Slow down AND be thankful. to be alive.