Monday, November 11, 2013

Thank a Veteran

I am so thankful for all Veterans. I enjoy seeing all my friends change their facebook profile pictures to those in uniform, with family members and fellow service members. It brings a lot of memories flooding back, and reminds me of the sacrifices that so many have made and are still making today. Right now. It makes me reflect on why I chose to join the military, and the reasons I have made the decisions that got me where I am today. It makes me proud to know so many amazing people.

I, like many others, am grateful for our Veterans every day. But many of us get caught up with day-to-day life and what we're doing and I think many, like me, don't think about it deeply all the time. I don't like to admit that, but it is true. Maybe because it is too sad? After 12 years in the current war, this country as a whole has become desensitized to what is still a very dark reality, in my opinion.

And like with everything else, FB makes it very easy to share our feelings and acknowledge our appreciation of Veterans. This isn't a bad thing. But what else can I do to help Vets year-round? More than I'm doing now.

I Commissioned in the Air Force in 2007. In 2008, my Grandpa passed away. My other Grandpa passed away when I was in high school and just beginning to consider serving in the Air Force (thanks to my brother).

I'll be honest, I did not have a deep appreciation of military service growing up. My appreciation of military service really only developed after it was too late to thank both of my grandfathers for their service, during a time when it wasn't always a choice.  And not on FB, but in person. And I will say, I regret that. It's weighed on me for a few years.

Thinking about you both today and wishing I would have said thank you!  

Friday, November 8, 2013

Blessed not stressed

Ok, sure. I feel like I've gained the American 15 (you know, the "oh crap we're moving to another country in a month and we're super busy moving out of the house and we have a lot to do and we're getting lazy with our meal planning and I want all the 'American' food I can get before I leave, anyway" equivalent to the Freshman 15) + I haven't been running enough to relieve stress, but let's face it, that is just me letting the stress win + sleep was not good for a couple weeks = I finally got sick a couple of days ago. Lots of tea and NyQuil and a lil' Bourbon (from Brandon and Julie) and I'm well on my way to feeling better already.  

But other than that, things could be going much worse. We sold our house & closed last week. Even made like $5 on it. We're living with good friends & having a great time. It's like having college roommates but we make fancier meals and drink much better alcohol :) It's FALL! And I swear there is more fall color than usual around here :) Brandon and Julie stole my car. Ok, no. They bought it. Thank you Brandon and Julie for buying my car! I hope you enjoy the ride. We also got to see them for a night when they picked it up. We went to eat at Red Rock Canyon, a local favorite of ours (and theirs when they lived here). We have a few more things to knock out but we would not have made it to this point so smoothly without the support of great neighbors and friends, near and far.  

(And thank you, Dave, for dealing with my stress when it does rear its ugly head.  You are the one who gets to see it up close and personal).

We're in this giant transitional phase and I'm really trying to choose gratitude over stress, anxiety or worry. Soak up the time with the people and the "things" we love & enjoy here, because as much as I long to get settled again, I know we will miss family, friends and 'Merica!

Estimated date of departure: 25 Nov!
Thanksgiving plans: Turkey (or Shephard's pie?) and beer in an English pub

(Click to enlarge tiny photos:)