Tuesday, July 23, 2013

My Knickers are about to be in a TWIST

Because I literally have no idea how to get ready to move overseas.

I thought I'd write some of this frustration out in hopes that it will help ease the pain.

I am, simply put, a pack rat.  It's quite annoying.  I want to be free from everything I'm hanging on to from every phase of my life.  I want to be lighter.  I already had this plan before we moved again but now it is even MORE important going over the ocean.

But for now this means I also have no idea how to sort things into different categories or "piles."  What I have come up with so far is...

1) Stuff we're taking with us.  To England.  I figure I will start with making a list of what we will want to have when we are there and work backwards.  If it isn't on my list it doesn't go.  In theory I think this is good.  In reality I will come across the things not on the list and justify why they should be on the list... We MIGHT need that thing....whatever it is...
2) Stuff going in storage
3) Stuff that Dad will be "happy" to hear I plan on adding to the collection of my shit already in his basement
4) Stuff I'm getting rid of (the impossible part)
a) Stuff I'm going to sell.  Or give away? I don't know.  Am I having a garage sale?? I don't know. Let's face it that probably won't happen.  Good Will it is.  But still....for things to make it into this category it will probably take someone blindfolding me and locking me in a closet so I don't know what I'm "losing."  Because ya know, everything you get rid of you eventually end up wanting to use.  Like the next day.
b) Stuff I'm throwing out


Input welcome. Wanted.  Needed.

Also, a cocktail.

1 comment:

  1. ✈�� ����here we come! The cocktail might be the easiest answer!! I'll have one on you!!�� Seriously, I feel your pain. With each move, you try to become more of a minimalist, but it never seems to work that way. I'm learning from experience, though, that many times there is a fair subustiute for something you may miss ~ you just have to get a little creative and I know you are. As far as sentimental things, oftentimes "less is more"! Hard to explain, but even our memories get cluttered sometimes, and simplifying the physical items makes the memories more vivid. Wish I was closer to help ~ let me know if there is anything I can do! Love ya ��
