Tuesday, February 28, 2012

"Amazed" by the "news"

I really enjoy my time in the morning before class, or especially on the one day I don't have class (Tuesdays).  I usually just hang out on the couch reading or watching the news....whatever I'm interested in checking out at the moment.

Well this morning I chose to turn on the news.  I guess it was Good Morning America.  Cool.  I used to love that show.  The story on when I turned on the TV is about the school shooting in Ohio yesterday.  Tragic, of course.  So tragic that I can't figure out for the life of me why they try to do an intimate interview with one of his best friends the following morning. 

"I know that you were good friends with Danny.  It must have been a huge blow when you heard that news."

No pun intended. Yeah he probably could have added that to the end of his statement.

Ok, seriously? Why do they say such STUPID things?

Next: "How are you all going to pull together after this?"

Well, who the hell knows.  Pretty sure family and friends are trying to figure that out and really don't need the news reporters asking.  Maybe the 15-year old or so kid agreed to do an interview, but why do we even ask these people to do it in the first place?  Or can you have an intimate conversation with them off camera and discuss what they said?  Maybe that isn't what "gets the viewers" but that is just another example of our sad world.

Oh and "shockingly," the shooter may have been a victim of bullying, but they are "investigating" (seems like they always go with this as the probable cause).  So when we find out that was his motive, or not, we've solved the world's problems, I guess.  Bullying is bullying.  Trouble at home seems to be a better thing to look at.  HOW THE HELL DID THE KID GET A HANDGUN?  And then more importantly (because there are unstable people of all ages getting guns) why does he feel shooting his classmates is the way to solve his problems (whatever they are)?  Because that seems to be more common these days.   I know, these are obvious questions.  I'm just saying, I get absolutely nothing out of these stories besides they are sad because all they do is state the obvious.  And in MY opinion, it all comes down to parenting, or lack thereof and a child's home environment.  For it is this environment that influences how a child reacts to adversity.  This is also a factor in this story.    Screening for so many things in this world.  Can we add parenting?  All opinion, of course. 

I did really enjoy the commentary later on Angelina's right leg.  How RIDICULOUS does her right leg pose look?? Sorry, I enjoy joining in on this one.

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