Thursday, April 12, 2012

What are your thoughts on health care reform?

I feel like it is my responsibility to share this video with my fellow Americans.  Slightly dated, but still so, so relevant.  Especially with so many people running around 100% against the Health Care Reform (the Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare).  I think it's "funny" (sad, really) and ignorant.  I am by no means stating that it is perfect, or that I know everything (I never, ever claim that) but I want to hear better ideas.  Not likely to come from the greedy, though.  Anyway, before I start screaming from my soapbox, here it is, with some better ideas.  Yes, sometimes other countries have better ideas: 

 I don't normally get into politics publicly, but this issue has got me reeled in.

1) I like this T.R. Reid guy (correspondent)
2) I don't understand why this is so difficult for the U.S. to figure out.  Well, I do understand.  But it makes me a little sick.  Only because we (as a whole) are clearly just too stubborn on this issue at the expense of so many, and in the end, all U.S. citizens.  Money and politics are so nasty.  If you choose to watch this 60 minute video about how our health care system (or lack thereof) compares to healthcare in other countries I would love to hear reasons why some of these ideas won't work.  Because I can't think of many, if any really.  Seriously.  Ranked 37th in the world.  Nice.


3) I am proud to say that if I become a doctor, it is not for the money.  On the other hand, if doctors feel like they are not being compensated enough, I feel that endangers the quality of care.  So....I don't know.  My personal opinion is that too many doctors become doctors to become rich (I would like to think that is sort of a thing of the past, but not sure).  I say too many-definitely not all, but too many.  In order for us to get out of this mess, some doctors will need to accept less.  

I'll let the video speak for itself. 

1 comment:

  1. I definitely will watch ~ as we talked, I am in the same court as you. From things I've read and people I've talked to, it does come down to a lot of excuses to mask the greed and self-centeredness. I would love to see more fair and equitable healthcare, better preventive care, and an incentive to use the care for which I pay. It's one thing to pay the big bucks and to help carry society, but to then have to pay more big bucks to use it is a little painful. And if you become that doctor, I will call for an appointment!!
