Sunday, June 3, 2012

A little perspective

I'm honestly quite confused about my internal battle between wanting to go through 8 grueling years of school/residency and just wanting to spend as much time as possible with Dave and other family & friends.  Is that normal? A question for the doc next time I see him :)

And if someone tries to tell me that if I'm thinking this way, I probably don't want to do it, I'm calling a B.S. flag.  It's a big decision and if I do it, I will do my best at it and probably have wonderful experiences.  If I don't, I will find joy in other things. 

I imagine that doctors want to go to medical school because they want to study medicine and, like many who join the military, want to serve others.  They go into it accepting the lifestyle and sacrifice from possibly being on call all of the time, long hours, etc.  Because they love it, not because they want to be away from their family.

Maybe I'm just blogging my way to the answer to my own question. 

So what I really need to figure out is "will I love it enough to make it worth it?"  Who really knows until they do it, I guess.

I wouldn't trade my family for anything- I would be crazy to trade Dave for anything! So that makes it easier to just go with the flow at this point.  My circumstances might make it a little bit more scary to dive in to something that might get complicated, but if I just remind myself that I already have the most important thing (person) by my side....this journey will be a lot more fun.

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