Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Dabbling in cauliflower, butternut squash &....cake batter

So,  now that I rid my life of FB, Pinterest is apparently vying for my attention.  I am just thankful for now that I'm not an obsessed pinner, because I can see things getting out of hand.  While I can't say I enjoy being in the kitchen all the time (sorry, Dave), it does seem to go in some serious waves. Yesterday, I found this Roasted Cauliflower Gratin with Butternut Squash recipe on there, and immediately put it on the list of things to make.  The next day, I guess.  I revolved Monday's grocery list around that and this cake batter shake recipe that I've had pinned for a while now.  Why not kill two birds with one stone.  Last night, in excitement of going out and buying a bunch of ingredients/things I didn't already have (is that a problem for anyone else? trying out recipes ain't cheap....), I made sure to eat stuff in the fridge that might go bad.  I had some salad....and some soup.  Yeah the canned soup didn't help that situation.

First of all, the Roasted Cauliflower Gratin with Butternut Squash.  Doesn't even make sense.  To devote all that time to a dish that doesn't even have meat in it :-)  Oh well, it really looked tasty.  And it WAS.  I recommend.  Wait, I am now wondering if this is not supposed to be a main dish but a side dish?? I don't know.  I ate less than 1/4 of it and was full.

And then, the Funfetti cake batter shake.  I was so excited for this.  This was my incentive for finishing reading the current chapter in my Bio book (I know....very unhealthy way to focus myself.  You have to do what you have to do).  Well, don't get me wrong, it's great.  But I took about 3 sips or scoops, and felt like I had thrown 3 cups of sugar down my throat.  1) I recommend a greater proportion of ice cream (but I used double vanilla....wonder if that was necessary and if more ice cream would make it even sweeter).  2) Invite an army.  Wow.  I made it in the blender and put the rest in the refrigerator and put the rest of the below jar in the freezer to see how that is tomorrow.  I could seriously make this last until my next birthday I think.  And that means a lot coming from the person who can normally endlessly eat sweets.  Brace. Yourself. (Note: the cake batter shake recipes are not from the same site as the Gratin- Eat Life Whole: Delicious Recipes, Healthy Coaching & Nutritious Tips)

Hey, I also finished a chapter in my healthcare policy book.  It wasn't JUST strictly delicious food tonight.

Update (the morning after):  I realized I forgot to add the 4-5 cups milk (all I had to add was water, oil, milk and ice cream...not that complicated).  OOPS.  Got milk?  Tastes much better with the milk.


  1. That shake looks amazing!! Come to LA and make one for me = )

    1. Haha, maybe Millions of Milkshakes wants the recipe??

  2. Maybe you can try and sell them on next time your in town.
