Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Topic of the day.  The subject first came up when I was completing a survey for a research study for Veterans.  They've been mailing me the damn thing for months so I finally decided to get it out of the way :) And, I realized I should support research (as long as it's worthy) since I'm interested in it myself, and do understand the importance.  It can just get so messy...I think that is what I don't like.

I digress.  There was a question on the survey about compassion.  It essentially asked whether or not I have it; my response was in the "moderate" category.  I couldn't honestly answer that I have "a lot" of it.
Well, I think I have more if it than I think.  Had a little event this evening that put it into perspective for me.

I got home from my run and decided to pull out my leftover salad for dinner (life of a bachelorette) and eat it out on the deck while the dogs played.  Weather was beautiful.  I was pretty excited.  Well, about a minute into play time, the dogs ended up sprinting behind the bushes on the side of the deck (Ellie ends up behind there a lot, drives me crazy....I think she thinks Teddy can't fit back there so it's a fun game).  Well then I heard a REALLY loud squeal/scream.  She screamed her way over to the deck where I was sitting and just rolled onto her back, and continued to scream.

I was terrified for her and felt so helpless! And it's like a baby who can't communicate....couldn't ask her what happened.  So I leaned down and tried to calm her down and when I started talking and rubbing her stomach and (I think) visibly acting very concerned, she quieted down (thank god).  I picked her up and carried her inside.  I have no idea what happened because I didn't see it.  But she was having a really hard time putting any weight on the front left leg.  So I looked at her paw first and didn't see anything sharp.  I just had a feeling it was internal....broken bone, pulled muscle/tendon, etc.  Then, I tried picking her up from under her two front legs and with the pressure/weight, she squealed.  So, I narrowed down the area.....and have been watching her closely all night.  She is walking around and still trying to play, just looks pretty uncomfortable.  We'll see how she is in the morning.

But I felt HUGE amounts of compassion in this situation.  Because- she was helpless.   She couldn't have prevented it, she couldn't communicate her pain to me...and she isn't acting quite like herself.  I just feel sad for her.  I just want to do something to help her and I don't know what that is.  I've just been giving her massages and eye rubs.   I think she appreciates it :)

Maybe kind of silly, but I know I would feel the same exact way with a baby or child.  I have compassion for those who cannot help themselves.  Not sure beyond that.


  1. Oh my gosh Bre, is she still limping around? We just took Stella in to the vet because she has had an injured hind leg since October. It got better and then worse again. I hope Ellie didn't pull a muscle or anything major. She's so young.

    RE compassion, I think that you are more compassionate than you think. What you described seems to me to be the very definition of compassion. In light of another's suffering (or helplessness in your words) you feel for them and have a desire to do what you can to help. (Your aspirations for your future career show that too).

    I have always loved your connection to Teddy (and now Ellie) - we have that in common. Some people don't feel that with animals and I just cannot fathom why or how they don't. They're truly missing out!! I think that will definitely be extended if and when you ever have children (not that our pups aren't our "children" haha but you know what I mean!)

  2. Thank you, Brenda :) What happened to Stella? I am sorry she has been hurting for that long. Poor girl.
